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Individual Factor Deficiencies and Intrinsic System Reagents


The patented Spectra™ APCT test screens for PF3 but it does not give up its sensitivity to human plasma factor deficiencies in return for platelet testing.


The data below confirms that the patented Spectra™ APCT reagent both utilizes platelets to activate the intrinsic coagulation pathway and is sensitive to intrinsic coagulation factor deficiencies.



Spectra™ APCT


APTT (Spectra™)

Normal Platelet Rich Plasma

30.8 sec

27.5 sec

25.4 sec

Factor II Deficient

90.8 sec

56.3 sec

58.6 sec

Factor V Deficient

89.6 sec

62.6 sec

70.5 sec

Factor VII Deficient

36.1 sec

37.8 sec

35.1 sec

Factor VIIIc Deficient

73.1 sec

53.3 sec

62.7 sec

Factor IX Deficient

84.7 sec

52.4 sec

67.3 sec

Factor X Deficient

74.8 sec

47.6 sec

64.9 sec

Factor XI Deficient

69.2 sec

86.1 sec

71.4 sec

Factor XII Deficient

98.7 sec

62.4 sec

72.6 sec

Fletcher Deficient

51.9 sec

35.2 sec

50.4 sec

† Actin is a trademark of Dade Behring

Table 1. In this comparison of the sensitivity of Spectra™ APCT, Dade Behring's APTT (Actin†) and ACS's APTT (Spectra™) to different factor deficiencies, Spectra™ APCT shows sensitivity to V, VIIIc, X, XI and Fletcher Factors and shows much greater sensitivity to II, IX and XII than either APTT reagents.


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